Well, the Musgraves are at it again! We’re moving! Not too far away, just a few streets over, but with the holidays life is hectic. I’ll be updating even less than usual because of this. But it gets me on the topic of PCS cleaning. In my years as a military wife, I’ve spent far too much money on harmful cleaners that just haven’t gotten my oven clean. Every move was a disaster until I discovered, “Oven Cleaner that Rocks”, not only is it more natural and safe for asthmatics (unlike more chemical based cleansers) but it’s also extremely cost effective.
Sugin Musgrave
Sugin’s mission is “Supporting Military Families with Life Skills and Information Education”. In addition to giving spouses unlimited access to her work via social media, Sugin works in concert with various government agencies to ensure her information is accurate and on point. Her coupon savvy has been recorded in DeCA’s publication "Decavision". AFN has also recorded her work for informative purposes. The Airman and Family Readiness Center at Ramstein Air Base regularly hosts her classes, they range in variety from couponing, cost-cutting cleaning products, and homemade beauty products. Sugin published her first children’s book called Butterfly in The Sky, Daddies Little Girl in 2006. Sugin’s goal with her books is to help military children understand and cope with ongoing deployments. Giving back to the community she has received so much from has earned her nominations for various awards, including Woman of Merit (2006) and Ramstein Spouse of the Year for 2014, which she won.
That cleaner is “lit” lol.