Life Skills, Now U Know, Surviving Europe, Spouse Information Center

Getting Ready to PCS to Another Country

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Getting Ready to PCS is very stressful and can be overwhelming but you are not alone. It takes most people about a year before they settle back into a normal life. Do not let the haters and negative people get to you. It is ok to ask questions, even if others ask them before you.

1. Repeat after me it is not America, so do not compare.

A) When you compare it is difficult to embrace the new country.
B) Avoid yelling to be understood. The native speakers are not deaf though they may not understand the language you are speaking. Even if you think you are speaking the native language, you may not be speaking the dialect.
C) It is ok to make mistakes. We all do. You are human.

2. You will not remember everything so have a note book.

A) Write down all your questions and leave room for answers.
B) I do recommend asking more than one person a question. People may not always know the correct answers. Refer to your notebook; compare answers and research for better answers.
C) Join regional Facebook groups and join in on the local spouse sponsorship or orientation programs.
D) If all else fails try looking up the answer on Google.
E) You can always email me asking the question and I will try and find an answer for you.

Always remember things change. There will be bumps in the road but there are people who are willing to help you. Again, it may take a year before your new home starts to feel normal.

If you have a question, please email me at In the subject line please title your email “Question for Spouse Information Center”. The reason I am calling this the Spouse Information Center and not Sugin’s got the answer; is I do not have all the answers and I have not been stationed all over the world. I encourage others who are stationed overseas to make a video to contribute to the Spouse information Center and help expand our library of topics.

How to keep up with Sugin
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For sponsor and volunteer information please send me an email

Thank you for all your support!

Sugin Musgrave

Sugin’s mission is “Supporting Military Families with Life Skills and Information Education”. In addition to giving spouses unlimited access to her work via social media, Sugin works in concert with various government agencies to ensure her information is accurate and on point. Her coupon savvy has been recorded in DeCA’s publication "Decavision". AFN has also recorded her work for informative purposes. The Airman and Family Readiness Center at Ramstein Air Base regularly hosts her classes, they range in variety from couponing, cost-cutting cleaning products, and homemade beauty products. Sugin published her first children’s book called Butterfly in The Sky, Daddies Little Girl in 2006. Sugin’s goal with her books is to help military children understand and cope with ongoing deployments. Giving back to the community she has received so much from has earned her nominations for various awards, including Woman of Merit (2006) and Ramstein Spouse of the Year for 2014, which she won.

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